Msgr. Dr. Patrick Thawale
Bro. Osman Karim
Vice Chairperson
Bishop Gilford Matonga
Publicity Secretary
Rev. Dr. Chifungo
Fr. Dr Mark Mkandawire
Board Secretary
Mrs Agness Kamoto
Executive Committee Member
Sheikh Jaafar Kawinga
Executive Committee Member
Rev Dr. Matilda Matabwa
Executive Committee MemberPAC Constitution provides that there shall be an Executive Committee of PAC which shall be elected by the members at an election meeting, and shall be bound by the code of conduct and standing orders of PAC. The Executive Committee is comprised of the following offices provided that two members shall at all times be female: Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Board Secretary, Publicity Secretary, Treasurer; and Four other members. Members of the Executive Committee hold their position for a period of three years and are eligible for re-election. Once elected any member may exercise the right to resign should he/she deem it fit. In the event that a new Executive Committee is not in place, the existing committee continues to transact business for the sake of PAC’s continuity.