The Malawi’s (Vision) Agenda 2063 demands peaceful environment for sustainable development. Its states that “Sustainable peace and security are crucial for the creation of a sound, competitive and equitable environment for economic development. Sustainable development will not happen without peace and national security” (p.56). Therefore PAC’s contribution to Malawi National Peace Architecture has become imperative.
PAC has largely benefited from UN, UNDP and other partner’s support in gaining programmatic skills and appreciation of advocacy, dialogue facilitation and mediation. Operational support has also been the core benefit from various partners. Several UN HACT audits have tremendously contributed to the improvement of organizational systems and internal controls. UNDP has regularly provided briefing sessions on programme work and financial management for the organization to achieve clean audit reports.
In the field of dialogue and mediation, the UN provides training to a pool of clergy with gravitas and convening prior to electoral processes. Out of this, 6 Stand-Alone Mediators have carried dialogue and mediation during the 2014 and 2019 electoral stalemate. At local level, early warning and response have funneled to local structures through women-in-faith (WIF) based on UNSCR 1325 and Youth Initiatives (UNSCR 2250 youth peace and security agenda). Various skills therefore in dialogue and mediation facilitation have been imparted to both women and youth. In terms of programmatic aspects, PAC developed a volunteer policy that has been a central piece for training volunteers within PAC structures. Institutional support therefore has directed contributed to specific project interventions.