Condolences on the Death of the Vice President and Eight Others

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By Grace of God
We Shall Succeed

“An organization that promotes human dignity in the Malawian
society through advocacy civic education and conflict transformation.”

About Us

By Grace of God
We Shall Succeed

“An organization that promotes human dignity in the Malawian
society through advocacy civic education and conflict transformation.”

About Us

By Grace of God
We Shall Succeed

“An organization that promotes human dignity in the Malawian
society through advocacy civic education and conflict transformation.”

About Us

By Grace of God
We Shall Succeed

“An organization that promotes human dignity in the Malawian
society through advocacy civic education and conflict transformation.”

About Us

Advocating for Transformative Leadership in Malawi

Formed in 1992 during the Malawi’s political transition from one party to multi party system of government, the Public Affairs Committee (PAC) remains a key civil society organization in the field of human right, mediation, advocacy, HIV/AIDS, Gender based Violence, religious co-existence, electoral processes and peace and security. It’s success in ushering in multiparty democracy emanated from its institutional architecture that entailed the establishment of the National Consultative Council (NCC) and National Executive Committee (NEC) within the organisation.

Promoting peace and tranquility in the Republic of Malawi


“An organization that promotes human dignity in the Malawian society through advocacy civic education and conflict transformation.”

Vision Statement

“A Malawian society with internalized democratic values and practice.”

Goals & Objectives

The overall goal is to contribute to good governance, human rights, rule of law, accountability and transparency in Malawi. The purpose is to reduce undemocratic practices, political and religious intolerance. Through realising this goal and purpose, PAC will improve conditions and opportunities for sustainable development.

Selected Partners that have Funded PAC

We thank all our donors for joining us in the struggle for a just world! The donations make a difference to people’s lives. Our international donors include embassies, ministries of foreign affairs, foundations, international corporations and organisations.

Our Partners

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Recent Downloads

AU Signed Harassment Policy
1 30 downloads
AU Code of Ethics and Conduct Policy
1 34 downloads
Nominated Members of Economic Affairs, HRST, Political Affairs and Crosscutting Clusters of ECOSOCC
1 21 downloads
1 33 downloads
Advocating for Transformative Leadership in Malawi.

By the grace of God we shall succeed

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